18 April 2011

Pride before the fall

Sometimes. I look back at my old posts and want to punch myself in the face. My tone is just too congratulatory, too smug. I always tried to present my good news with humility, but as I find myself in much less flush circumstances, I want to tell my former self to shut the f#@k up. This also stems from my overall discomfort with blogging in general. If anyone were actually reading this, I don't know how I would reconcile my desire to share and my embarrassment at being so self-centered.

Currently, my animosity stems primarily from envy. I was saving and living frugally at the end of 2010. Unfortunately, 2011 has been a series of monetary surprises and poor decisions on my part. First, the $425 electric bill, and now a $325 car mechanic bill have put major dents in my emergency fund. I spent too much money on clothes a few months ago. Gas prices are mugging my pocketbook. I've already spent $198 on groceries this month (and seriously, I've bought little more than produce). I bought an unemployed friend some drinks one night. And just like that, I'm broke. Poop! I need a better salary.

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