10 September 2010

Odds and ends

SmartyPig lowered their rate, from 2.15% to 1.75%. This is still above and beyond what anyone else is offering, but I am disappointed nonetheless.

I am currently negotiating my rent. My lease is up next month and I am trying to get my monthly expenses lowered. I haven't yet discussed my rent on this blog (I will), but it is appallingly expensive to live alone in Los Angeles, so I can use all the help I can get. Send good thoughts and well wishes my way, universe.

I have already come up against a few unexpected expenses this month; a wedding present, and a Labor Day cookout where I was asked to contribute a 12-pack of beer. All told, almost $40 of atypical expenses. I am also in need of a haircut, which isn't normally part of my monthly budget. In LA, a woman's haircut runs around $50-$100. Ridiculous. So I go to SuperCuts, where I pay $21 plus tip. (Once a year I go to a good stylist to give me excellent layers for my SuperCuts stylist to copy at each trim.) I won't be winning any modeling competitions soon, but frugality has its costs.

Happy weekend!! Fall is coming to LA, and it makes me positively giddy!

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