15 November 2010

Goals revisited

I'm feeling grateful for the change in my financial picture, and I think it's a good time to revisit the goals laid out back in August:

Short term goals
Enjoy Ireland without creating new debt (October 2010): ACCOMPLISHED
Pay off my AMEX card (March 2011): ACCOMPLISHED

Long term goals
Pay off BoA card (before 0% APR ends in June 2011, or ASAP after that): ACCOMPLISHED *in spirit*
Build E-fund to $1,500 (August of 2011): currently at $608. At $100/month, I am on schedule to meet this goal.
Create SmartyPig sub-account to grow the $3,000 required to open my Vanguard Roth IRA (end of 2011): currently at $1,525. At $100/month, I am just shy of meeting this goal. Leftover funds each month will be added to make it happen.

Long, long term goals
Build E-fund to $7,000: still a long, long term endeavor
Fund Roth IRA to max of $5,000 each year: ditto the above
Aggressively attack student loans: ditto, but on track to prioritize this

I am feeling good about my progress and have renewed energy to make the sacrifices required to accomplish my long term goals. However, I cannot deny that windfalls like my holiday bonus make all the difference in the world.

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