14 November 2010

Net worth update

Alright, let's do this.

Student Loan #1: $10,382.79
Student Loan #2: $5,646.58
AMEX: $0.00 (yippie!!!!)
BoA: $1,862.00

Total debt: $17,891.37

Ally E-fund: $608.65
SP BoA payoff: $1,748.00
SP Roth IRA: $1,525.00
SP Car/Insurance: $300.00
SP Electric Bill (oops, haven't mentioned this one yet; next time): $155.59
SP Christmas fund: $100.00

Total savings: $4,437.24

Overall net worth: $-13,454.13

Positive change since last update: $4,900.94

Wow, I can't quite believe so much has changed since August 25th. As previously mentioned, I am a lucky gal.

Now that I'm not funneling hundreds of dollars a month toward my most toxic debt, I am refocusing my funds to tackle the goals laid out in my August 26th post. To that end, I have upped by Ally e-fund automatic transfer amount from $45.81 each month to an even $100. I also have an automatic debit of $100 a month into my SP Roth IRA account and $30/month into my SP Electric Bill account (again, more on this later).

Next, I'm going to figure out my student loans. I don't have plans to eradicate this debt any time soon, but I would like to see my monthly payments going primarily toward my principal, rather than interest. I need to contact my loan provider to discuss this. I will report back.

With the burden of my credit card debt lifted, I feel lighter. Everything is easier. Saving is more feasible. Using my paychecks to benefit my future has never felt simpler. I will never go back. Never. Next thing I want is a Dyson vacuum; I will save for one, and it will never gather interest on a credit card. Barring some horrible, unforeseen circumstance (which I am trying to prepare for with my e-fund) I will not incur any new debt. Come to think of it, my current car should last me at least five more years. I should start saving for the next one now, shouldn't I? Honestly, just imagining setting up a savings account for an expense years and years away makes me really happy. Into the future!

P.S. I forgot to mention, I went to Ireland and paid off every dime immediately! Brilliant. And one of the best weeks of my life.

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