15 February 2011


It's halfway through the month, and I have $128 left in my budget. And I still have to fill up the car with gas. Whoops! What happened?!?!

Well, let's start with the positive....

I opened my Vanguard Roth IRA!! I invested $3,000 in one of Vanguard's target retirement funds. And I am already obsessed with watching the daily ebb and flow. "My three grand earned $10 in one day?! Smarty Pig can't give me returns like that!" Then, 24 hours later, I'm crying, "Oh, crap, that $10 has shrunk down to $2 overnight." It's a roller coaster, and it's out of my control, but I'm totally loving the (potentially vomit-inducing) ride. Whheeee!!

Now, for the negative....

I rediscovered my love of shopping. Personal finance blogs used to be my daily addiction. Then I discovered outfit-of-the-day, fashion blogs. Wow, my wardrobe is OUT OF DATE. I do not endorse chasing trends and throwing out your entire closet every six months. However, I've been living at the opposite extreme, wearing black clothing that has turned gray and pants that are WELL over four years old. Moderation, even with regard to fashion, is key.

Thus, I have been focused on updating my outfits. I haven't thrown out or donated anything (yet) but am instead working on finding pieces that will integrate with the existing items and bring me into the 21st century--without breaking the bank. I am still waiting on a few Internet orders, and once they arrive I will begin the assimilation. After that, some culling may occur.

The "strategic updating" has set me back over $350 this month. My clothing budget is typically around $20 each month. I don't regret the money I have spent, but my completely rational self would rather have put the funds into my new Smarty Pig travel account ($150 so far) or my brand-spankin'-new IRA. However, being clothed in public is a requirement in contemporary American society. Being modern and comfortable and happy (and if I dare admit it a bit sassy) is just icing on the cake.

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