20 February 2011

Flat tire on the journey

Ugh, what a month to have fallen off the frugality wagon. Just days after my last post, in which I was essentially patting myself on the back for completely unnecessary clothing consumption, the universe decided to slap me back into submission (humility) via my long-lost electric bill.

I opened my mailbox last night and was actually excited at the sight; the LADWP had finally gotten me back on the gird and I could stop wondering/saving/living in limbo. I had $250 in my Smarty Pig electric bill account, and as I opened the bill, I DARED to assume I might have something leftover. HAHAHA, the universe bellowed over my shoulder.


What the?!?! I was NOT prepared for this. Ugh. And on what, you ask, have I spent nearly that amount in this month alone? Clothes and shoes. I feel a bit sick.

This was unexpected, and even if I had been more diligent in my calculations, I still don't think I would have been prepared. The bill covers almost 17 months of electricity. And I haven't seen a bill since I moved into my new apartment, where my average daily energy usage is apparently higher than my old place (the new apartment is bigger and has central A/C, so this shouldn't come as a surprise). In the old place, my average daily energy cost was under 50 cents; in the new place, it is 79 cents. This added up over the months and months I didn't see a bill.

$175 is coming out of my emergency fund to cover it. In fact, I already did the goal-to-goal transfer in Smarty Pig. (Transfer was instantaneous and so easy. I LOVE Smarty Pig.) I will put $100 of that back next month, and the remaining $75 in April (in addition to my regular monthly $100 contribution).

And I can pay the bill on my credit card, so at least I get x2 miles, or about $8 toward my next travel expense. Thank you, Capital One Venture.

Message received, universe.

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