25 August 2010

Into the void

You know, I am really excited about sending my story out into the world. The act of journaling has always been therapeutic for me, and there is nothing like going back and reading over my own words years later. The amount of time I used to spend dissecting and analyzing the "signals" being sent by my high school crushes is incredible. They may not have even known I existed, but if they dropped something while walking past me in the lunchroom it must have meant they became nervous in my presence and secretly pined to hold my hand between classes. My deductive reasoning was flawless! No wonder I went on to study psychology in college.

Unlike a journal, this is a blog, meaning I don't need these thoughts to remain private (as all my high school rambling must). I realize this blog could very well remain private; no one may ever find this and my inane rambling could fall on deaf ears. I am fine with that. Or maybe, two years from now, someone will read my most recent post and decide to delve through my archives. Hello from the past! How's the future? Please tell me all reality television shows based on the state of New Jersey have disappeared. Is Ed Hardy out of business? Or did the guidofication of our country continue unfettered?

One thing I do know is my blog post two years in the future will present a much more pleasant financial picture than I'm about paint. Let's crunch some numbers:

Student Loan #1: $10,495.34
Student Loan #2: $5,787.51 
AMEX: $1,169.59
BoA: $1,919.00

Total debt: $19,371.44

Ugh, looking at that number makes me tired.

Ally Emergency Fund: $416.12
SmartyPig Account: $600.25

Total savings: $1,016.37

Overall net worth: $-18,355.07

I am choosing not to include my car (valued around $9K) in these calculations. I am also not including my work-provided retirement fund, as I am not fully vested in our profit sharing plan yet (no 401k at my small business).

Tomorrow, some background on these haunting numbers. 

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